What a crazy Easter! We had two baby blessings to go to, Skye was blessed at the 9 am church, and then Maddy was blessed at 11. We had so much fun with all the babies. Here I am with Kenna in her Easter dress.
Crowd control anyone? We had a busy day at Disneyland! We went with my little sister Dana and her best friend Jennifer.
Dana & Kenna
Me and my little girl
Daddy and Kenna
This is the Safari Ride I think it was her favorite.
Taking a little time out for snacks!
Waiting to go into the Haunted Mansion!
On our last leg...McKenna was so ready to go home.
Aww it is supposed to be the Happiest Place on Earth.....
Check out this picture down below, we couldn't figure out why every time McKenna put on her hat she started freaking out, well we saw this as we checked out the pictures later. Do you see what she is holding?
this is what happened next...
Here we are trying to figure out what was going on..
We had so much fun on our skiing trip to Mammoth! Well I was actually the only one who went skiing.... Here we are posing for last minute pictures before we hit the road to go home.
Here are my six teeth!!! You can only see four but the other ones just haven't grown out as much.
This is McKenna and Uncle Ryan
Uncle Bryce & Aunt Tiffany
The kids did so well on the trip they really had a great time. They found all sorts of places to play.
She sure is a little girl...she was loving being able to play with Mom's jewerly! McKenna is Eleven months old now. Can you believe it? She has this new cheesy grin as you can see, it is like almost constant. She is lots of energy lately and I am loving it!