Monday, June 30, 2008

Park Fun!!!!

We went to the park on saturday with the family and had lots of fun! We got to feed the ducks, go on an electric boat ride, and play with the family in the sun.

She loved the ducks, every time I turned around she was running towards the water.

Here she is trucking it....come and catch me mommmy!

Wuhhh she loves to follow her cousin Kaden around and do whatever he is doing...can you guess what he is doing?

Me and McKenna waiting for dad to get in the boat and lead the way!

Ready to speed race in the water!!

It was a beautiful day with lots of sun...

Watching her Daddy


Steve, Lynn & Brian said...

that last shot is the BEST. I love it!

Kay said...

We miss you guys, are you going to come and visit? we are staying another year... anyways, looks like you are having fun. Mckenna is so cute! I can totally see both of you in her.